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Together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you. If submitting an issue, please make sure to include a detailed description of your issue, steps to replicate it, and screenshots are highly encouraged for a faster solution. Thank you!
Together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you. If submitting an issue, please make sure to include a detailed description of your issue, steps to replicate it, and screenshots are highly encouraged for a faster solution. Thank you!
Hello @tobycavazos1961, Thank you so much for submitting this request. Great news most of the indexes you are requesting can be found in SmartTrader along with the commodity indexes, in SmartTrader the indexes will appear a little different ie: XAUX AND XAGX for gold and silver. As we are making constant updated to the SmartTrader trading platform to create a better trading experience please check back for forthcoming updates to market indexes. Happy trading!
SmartTrader Success Team